Friday, April 3, 2009

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What is it about drugs that attracts millions of teens to them? Now-a-days, drugs can be found everywhere from the street corner, to the apartment across from you. It may also seem like everyone's doing them. But the most affected by the drugs and its abuse (which not many know about) are teens. Teens are very tempted by the excitement or escape that drugs seem to offer.
Raised in the streets of New York, I caught myself hanging with drug dealers and drug addicts; it really wasn’t my choice because that was all I saw around me. From just hanging out with them I began using the drugs and I think many other teens started off that way too. Many teens use drugs because it feels like you’re in another world. But no matter how good it may make you feel, you always have your own choice whether to stop or keep messing up your life. I chose to stop. shows a percentage of teens smokers at young ages.
The drugs made me act different and I felt very weird and it made me very paranoid. I couldn’t take it anymore and I knew that drugs weren’t for me. It was easy for me to quit. But for other teens they are so caught up in it that it maybe to late because the drugs have the best of them. But they maybe naïve and believe they are not addicted but whenever they try to quit they go back to it when problems come up or when they see their friends doing them.
Some teens believe drugs will help them think better, become popular or stay more active. Others are just curious and think that one try wont hurt them but that can be the beginning. Others want to fit in. A few use drugs to get attention from their parents if they feel that they are being neglected.
Many teens use drugs because they're depressed or think drugs will help them escape their problems. But the truth is that drugs won’t solve ones problems - they just hide feelings and problems. As soon as a drug wears off, the feelings and problems remain, and may even get worse. Drugs can ruin every aspect of a person's life.

Your not alone quitting is only a few seconds away- making your life better can really happen you just have to believe and get help, ask a friend or a loved one, they are their for you.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I think the problem are the people, not the drugs. Yes, drugs are bad and all, but the people are the one responsible for the use. It's like alcohol and cigarettes, they do as much damage as the drugs, but people are the one who chose to drink or smoke. The drugs, alcohol or cigarrets don't point a gun on you and say: "Use me or I'll kill you". People do it because they want to. For example, everyone knows that cigarettes can give cancer, but still people smoke. Don't you think that's stupid?

    Anyways, I believe people have the power to change. The problem is they DON'T want to. If you could do it, why others can't? I believe that as long as the drugs are illegal and produces A LOT OF MONEY, things will be worse. People are attracted to the illegal stuff. And as long as drugs exist, so will be the corruption of our souls.
